byakuyarox1 (Fan Art Portfolio) OC Mayu

OC Mayu
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Here's my entry! I was joking on my world that I finally attempted a background. I'll be doing backgrounds from now on so don't let me submit an artwork without one. I have a fairy one I didn't do a background. I might redo it cuz it was in colored pencil.
Anyway, here's her bio
Name: Mayu Tanaka
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Unknown (blind)
Height: 5'7"
Personality: Mostly keeps by herself, quiet, wants to make friends, and she's really motivated when she has a goal.
History and background: She lives in the future. I haven't decided how far into the future yet, but she lives in a time where a lot of medical problems/disorders could now be fixed (like blindness, deafness, muteness, etc.) but she can't afford to have her eyes fixed so she's become somewhat of an outcast. She's forced to stay at home most of the time. On the weekends, she goes a school for the blind, where there are only a few left.
Because she's been blind for so long, her hearing has heightened so far that she can detect conversations from a long ways off. She begins using sounds to figure out where she is.
One her way to school one weekend, she hears footsteps approaching her but doesn't recognize them as someone she knows. She tries to get back inside her house but trips over a crevice in the sidewalk. The person catches up to her and asks her if she would like to volunteer for a top secret research program that might help fix her eyes. She's afraid of him at first but after a long time of thinking, she decides to go with him instead of going to school.
He takes her to a research facility where she is put inside a room and tied to a chair and prepped for surgery. Not knowing what was going on, Mayu doesn't think anything of it. (Long story short)
Instead of fixing her eyes, he heightens her hearing even more so that she's now able to hear miles away and very high frequencies. She can detect what a person looks like using a new ability like echolocation.
She later finds out that the facility is taking all the disabled kids from their communities and helping them accept what they've always hated. They're turned into a band of super kids, who have to protect the country. They all have different weapons so she uses a naginata.

Anyway, I'm still thinking this up so the plot is kind of cliche for right now. :)
I'll be drawing some of the other kids maybe.

Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
blind, blond, girl, Mayu, OC, uniform
14 votes thumb
8 members Favoritefavorite
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