hackerblackrose (Fan Art Portfolio) I will always be smiling

I will always be smiling
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So I'm going to do update on here because some of you guys might of been wondering where I have been.


At the moment I am doing with a situation that is personally (i'm not going to go into details with it.) I just want to let you guys know that it did effect me to the point that I didn't want to create artwork, I really didn't want to work on anything. But then college started and I have a job at my college so it takes up more of my time to create art work. I am hoping that I can get something in at least once a week and post it on Wednesdays or the weekends. If not I am sorry, but I can't fail a class this time around in college. But the good news is that I am taking another art class so you will be seeing my works and what I do in there, hopefully sooner then painting I class. I am doing better at the moment since I was able to get back into drawing again and such. I don't want you guys to think I just left theotaku for no reason. So basically I am late on the whole Christmas and new years, but hopefully I can catch up again and be on here as much as I can be. I had this crazy idea of video taping myself on how I draw and paint, but more like a speed drawing video or painting, so you guys can see how I work. I am back to drawing now and I feel like I am improving even more. :) Really I am feeling better about the whole situation (i'm sorry i'm not so open about what it is please understand that) I really do miss you guys! I miss my friends and fans on here. I hope you guys are doing well for this new year! ♥ Please feel free to contract me anytime that you want to. :D

Now time for the art work, this is just a basic sketch that I did, I spend more time on her hair and her eyes too. I only used pencil on her and I signed my name in ink. I hope you guys do enjoy this! :D

Love, Rose ♥

Personal Fan Art
anime, girl, manga, sketch, update
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