aizome (Fan Art Portfolio) Ars Poetica[The Conjoined Genesis]

Ars Poetica[The Conjoined Genesis]
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made use of watercolors and fabric dye...on canvas ♥

(some) meaning behind "Ars Poetica[The Conjoined Genesis]"
this was a idea intensely exploited in the back of my mind, for a little more than a year to be very honest with you...and until now, it never got an actual...however...i feel the idea of duality...isn't covered just more works, either drawings or paintings revolving around a visually exacerbated dualism, between radically different styles/states of mind will come along...

'ars poetica' something a concept reuniting all the major themes and motifs an artist uses in his/her works and puts them in the same context...

the cosmogony, stars, color...the a-temporal and limitless dimension of existence, source of life, light, ever so fascinating beauty...
the line art, in silvery dye, is the ephemeral state of existence

the left side is the rebellious, part angelic, and a little visual kei-ish...a part of imagination that cannot be shaped/adapted to the earthly 'settings'

the right side is the humane...and somewhat dreamy part...

cracks, gears, springs, shards of stars, the pattern of the make-up....

the two sides intertwine...the cosmogonic, the angelic, the rebel, the artificial, the subtle, almost hidden flowers, rays of light....

a little smirk, not evil, just clear, sincere...

and the sensation of continuity somewhere...the lines were not filled, the background does not destroy the portrait;

the complex, layered aspect of the background and the shimmery line art complete each other...

'the conjoined genesis' is the blooming of endless undefined states and feelings into one might feel like chaos, but it is of a charm of paradise

my soul, as it is, is partially captured in this work

weird description and even weirder title, right?


some songs inspiring me:
Bjork - Cosmogony
Florence and The Machine - Cosmic love
Rose Noire - Maprotiline
KOKIA - Chouwa Oto
MUCC - Libra
the GazettE - Kyomu no owari, hakozume no mokushi
exist + trace - Daybreak

a very weird mixture of sounds, right? xD

Personal Fan Art
ars poetica, canvas, conceptual, cosmos, duality, galaxy, line art, painting, stars, symbolism
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