Wakusei Aoshi (Fan Art Portfolio) OC Doodle

OC Doodle

This was originally going to be the main character of my story, Yubi, but he started looking like my 'Mulan' character.

I call her my 'Mulan' character 'cause she joined the army thingy as a man. But that's the only similarity to Mulan! XD She's not too kind hearted, though she has a small soft spot for birds and their feathers.

She grew up an orphan (so did the main character, but he's ridiculously kind hearted, so this is no excuse, missy...XD) in a village where girls were usually preferred over boys. Her only friends were male so she looked like a little boy and nobody ever wanted to adopt her (weird cultures...how depressing. It all has to do with the overall religion and that some sides of the country believe that women are more complete than men...? I dunno it's a weird religion...that I made up! :D). And blah, blah, blah about her background...She's really good at archery and is a sly little fox when it comes to it. She has gotten to the point where she doesn't have to think about shooting and aiming, she just does it. It's like an extension of her arm.

This is her looking more feminine with her hair down (usually it's up and under a had or in a samurai style). She has a thin strong face, however since it was originally supposed to be my character Yubi, her face in this picture looks soft and kind of worried, when she's usually pretty carefree.

The thing that sticks out at me that makes her look more like herself is her face shape and her lips.

I did this pic starting with the eyes because I was having no luck starting from my usual places, the head itself and the mouth, so I just started from the eyes. I also finally tried that shading of the face style where you can see the jaw. I don't know why I never do that...I should do that more often. I love faces with a defined jaw.

Enjoy! XD

Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
doodle, oc
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6 members Favoritefavorite
10SecondsToGo Soondie Hanako Sho Kitty K.O. SolemnSerpent
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