nikuro (Fan Art Portfolio) Otaku batlle royal[nikuro]

Otaku batlle royal[nikuro]
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Challenger#24(remember it!)
My entry for the challengeXD what you need to know;(Fist of all my weapons were created in base of photoshop program-Of his functions and not of his tools.)
Outfit:Something simple,that fits perfectly on me and not so heavy…
All it parts are protective for me:
Head band,iron shoulder pad ,headphones,.
Lets start now with…
Light artillery:
My iron shoes are a sort of weapon with the ones I kick my enemy,

Double blade stick
, One side eraser other brush(I usually perform pirouette attacks.During my rotation from one side I cancel the enemy,with the other I re-draw it).
You are asking where I put that weapon when I don’t use it?Very easy:I got a special collar in my neck that is connected with my pant’s waist,there is a special grab where I put my weapon!(invisible isn’t it?)

Heavy artillery:

Delayer hand cannon.As you can see I wrote about a molecular connection….My body cells are connected with those of the cannon by special electro magnetic reactions(electrons and protons).When my brain ejects a signal to my body those molecules identify the signal faster that other ones and preserve it.=>Each time that I call my cannon it appears always in time.(This connection is very useful cause I can have my hand free every time I need it but also I can have a cannon when I got to shoot.
It shoots electrostatic balls,very dangerous(as you can see…)

Bionic (hand cannon) liquidifier.
Yeah right a bionic hand!Isn’t cool? I don’t feel any thing with that hand(normally is iron,and has no connection with my cells).With those buttons on it I can modify the strength of my shot,it electricity ect(the same function for those buttons in the Delayer).

Special artillery:

Norther gun-no way!Hold your curiosity!It’s a special shooting attack.

Those things,those round lines you see behind me are magic tricks called Synobia sigilium.(Yeah I woun such powers)Synobia it’s a function on photoshop program.Now by now I wont tell you much about it.(I don’t want other challengers steal my idea).I will tell you that is lethal, if I use it I don’t need anything more than a foot kick to finish you…you will understand it soon why.

That was all.My fighting technique is:Slow as much as possible the enemy an use agility.

(Why this choice? My body is thin,my legs very stong and fast!!You know a balance between Time&Act).
All my attacks(those from cannons),has a expiring time,but if I use it more than 3 times can be lethal for your warrior cause it would have consequences such as corporal mutations,visual problems ect(so take it easy on me and I’ll do the same!)That’s all people I shall upgrade again my warrior(and those special attacks) when most of the challengers will join.Now by now enjoy this….Ask if you have questions,no stealing my creativity people(I don’t suggest it to you!XD).For further info of my attack check out:

Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
arsenal, canon, challenger, double blade, heavi, iron, nikuro, wizzard, worrior
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Otaku Battle Royal
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