Gadriann (Fan Art Portfolio) Otaku Battle Royal: Gadriann

Otaku Battle Royal: Gadriann
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Gadriann enters the ring cos someone stole her tablet nibs and she needs them to replace her blunt ones. She is not a happy camper. >(

Growing up watching Digimon, Pokemon and Sailormoon, Gadriann picked up a pencil and started sketching lol-tastic masterpieces. After a heart-wrenching break-up with color pencils and markers, Gadriann was inducted into the world of digital world, torn between the war of traditional and digital. One of the artists even goes to the extent of stealing her nibs to bring her back to the traditional side.

Upon being bestowed with her first tablet, she has it plugged into her system through the back. Just by looking at her target, she can immediately transfer the image into her mind and control the target through her tablet. She can even alter her enemies by messing up their anatomy using her tablet. Nevertheless, due to her bad sight and limited range of sight, anyone can beat her by trying to pull out the plug of the tablet or knock the crap out of her before she can ctrl+alt+del her way out of a battle.
She weakens her enemies through controlling their body before she ultimately shift+del them. Or she can even erase a limb or two if needed.


  • She is quiet and at first impression is a serious-looking person. On the contrary, she speaks a lot of nonsense and is quite the happy chipper.
  • Her bad sight was due to her reading too much manga as a kid.
  • Her headphones is plugged into her heart. When the battle gets intense, her heartbeat increases and an appropriate upbeat tune will play, further pumping her battle willpower. In a normal situation, her songs are smooth and calming.
  • 'WTF' word bubble on her head is a commonality. Profanity is a staple vocabulary of hers.
  • She's in her casual outfit, usually a stripey hoodie.

I was so tempted to join, haha. *w* Well... at least now you have some vague ideas of how I look like... kinda, haha. lol, I just created a story out of this challenge. XD In the pic, she's crushing the 'art block' fiend and is about to delete it. I seriously don't have the heart to make my tablet as a shield or as a weapon. I don't want to scratch it... ;3;

I saw other entries, they are great! I want to make short comics out of them so any of you battle royal contestants, if you're interested to have your OC in a comic with my OC above, just PM me. I might do it if your character interests me. :>

Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
battle royal, gadriann, oc, otaku
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Yours Truly
Otaku Battle Royal
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