HametsuKuro (Fan Art Portfolio) Spellbinding Passion

Spellbinding Passion
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Please note, until I can figure out a way to shrink file size, I'm going to have to cut out bits of this picture...that's why you only see part of my signature...anyone know what I can do?

This originally happened in Chapter 12, but since I'm compressing it and rewriting it, it happens in Chapter...6?

Background:Ame is living with a clan of animal feeders. She met the Leading clan and one of its members is beginning to like her. She loves Haru dearly, but she is about be told news that will invert and twist her views on pretty much everything.

Here is the excerpt, It's a bit long, but please read:

"Her dream felt almost real. She was in an endless field. The sky was bright blue with many cumulus clouds. She wandered around for a moment. The sky then grew dark. She looked up and saw gray clouds hiding the sun. It created beautiful rays in the sky and streaming beams down to the ground all in random places. The wind picked up and there was a small chill in the air. The wind twisted her hair and blinded her for a moment.

As the wind died down to a small breeze, she noticed a dark figure standing nearby. She fixed her hair back in place and took a better look. She couldn’t breathe.

'Korosu,' she gasped.


'Wait. What? Isn’t this a dream?'


'Then how─.'

'It’s a special ability I wield. I can enter people’s dreams.'


He crouched down in front of her, 'I have a confession. Every now and then, I come here and see your dreams. You have magnificent dreams…one thing I look for in a mate.'

'Mate?' Ame choked.

'Yes, mate. Ame, you are different. I don’t want to kill you for food. I want you to be my mate. You are very attractive in many ways,' he said.

Ame shot up, 'I’m sorry, but I know this is a trick!' She stared at him with stunned eyes. He looked at her with his beautiful hazel eyes. 'It is a trick…isn’t it?' she thought. She sat back down in front of him and held her head.

'You’re talented, in all types of fine art. You’re mind is intriguing, dream wise, imagination, the way you think. You’re body and soul,' he continued.


'At first, I thought you’d be a tasty treat. But when I visited your dreams the first time, I became extremely attracted to you. Transforming you would be most wonderful. Sensual…” he spoke softly. He rolled over on his back and put his hand behind his head. “I can spend eternity in your dreams.'

'I am very pleased to hear this, but I can’t─,' she began, standing up.

'Please, I need a mate…and you’re perfect,' he said, standing up also. He stepped close to her and brushed her cheek. Ame froze for moment and closed her eyes.


'Ame, are you awake?' Haru called at her door. He opened her door and walked inside. She was curled up on her side underneath her blankets. He smiled and went to leave. Then he heard her startle, and when he looked back, there was something strange. Her body had this strange glow. 'Oh, no!'


'I don’t want to hurt you, Ame,' he said holding her. A cold wind blew again, even colder than the one before.

Ame buried her face into his chest. She was extremely confused. Korosu held her tight and began to sing a sweet song softly into her ear. She felt sleepy for a moment.

'Ame, wake up!' Haru hissed. He raised her up and held her. 'Ame, please!'

She heard her name being called faintly. Though she couldn’t do anything. He continued to sing the song. His voice was like an angel, just perfect. He then stopped. Ame’s eyes were dark, almost black.

'Kiss me,' he whispered. She looked up at him, still feeling confused. She then heard her name again, still a little faint.

Korosu ran his fingers through her hair near the back of her head. He intertwined his fingers in it and gently tugged. With his other hand he softly traced her bottom lip with his thumb while holding the bottom of her chin. She closed her eyes, feeling strange. He then kissed her softly and then passionately.

'Ame! Wake up! He’s trying to get to you!' he said to her. He was crying, knowing what would happen.

'Ame…please, wake up…' Haru said weakly. He was holding her tightly, crying.

Korosu pulled away and held Ame. The sky grew dark and thunder began to rumble. Ame was weak. Her eyes were still dark, almost black. She looked up at Korosu.

'Haru?' she said. She saw Haru holding her instead of Korosu.

He brushed her cheek, 'Yes Ame?'

'I love you, Haru,' she said and dug her face into his chest.

'I love you, too, Ame,' Korosu said stroking the top of her head.

'Ame, please wake up,' Haru whispered.

Ame looked up at Korosu and was about to kiss him, but he burst into thousands of black feathers. She watched as they fluttered through the air. She then heard her name being called again. She then fell to the ground.

'Ame,' he whispered. She began to open her eyes. 'Ame?'

The glow went away as her eyes opened. They were still dark, but when the moonlight hit them, they changed to normal.

'Haru?' she said like a child, 'I’m scared.'

'It’s okay,' he said holding her tightly, 'I’m here.'"

I told you it was long...

Please comment on my picture AND the excerpt....Here lately I've been depressed about everything...I don't even think I can become a decent artist and it feels like I can never get m book published....even if I did, it would be a waste of money because it doesn't appeal to so many people....

Please give my book a chance and read it here.

Depending on how much of a response I get from this picture, this might be my last post for a while. It's probably going to take a long time before I get the confidence to make another picture....

Manga Studio Debut 4
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ame rikai, korosu hidoi, tsumetai hi
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