Katana (Fan Art Portfolio) Two of a Kind

Two of a Kind

The Doctor, Last of the Time Lords...
Tatiana Rhys, Just Another Pickpocket...

Ever since working on my final for Art 100, I've had this urge to try drawing perspective, and I've been hacking away at it like crazy. Even my doodles during Stats have been trying for me, but I've been excited at the results enough to keep on trying and improving.

TimeChaser and I have been fangasming over Doctor Who, namely because I recently had an idea for a companion but have no idea how to go about making a story for her. So she's been tacked onto TC's concept for his own Doctor (whom my head refers to as the Zeroth Doctor, and yes, Zeroth IS a word, which I didn't know before two minutes ago).

The way the two meet is still being hammered out, but the basic concept is thus: Tati steals something from an alien that isn't too happy about it, and she bumps into the Doctor in the process of running away, slipping the item into his pocket while at the same snatching his Psychic Paper. So while the bad guys are on the hunt, the Doctor is hunting down Tati who is hunting the Doctor, both wanting their items back. Wacky hijinks ensue!

So why would the Doctor want somebody who stole something from him and framed him for robbery to be his Companion? NO IDEA! She also calls him "The Doc" sometimes, more to annoy him than anything else, so in my head he calls her "Tah-TEE" (as opposed to saying the syllables quick) to get back at her.

COMMENTARY ON THE ACTUAL PIECE: I messed up hardcore on some spots, but I'm overall pretty happy with it and the things I was able to accomplish. I also had to scrape to get inking tools, since I left all that stuff back in my dorm. Luckily, I have random tech pens lying around, just...not the exact ones I wanted.

The Zeroth Doctor // TimeChaser
Tatiana Rhys // Myself, whee

Doctor Who Fan Art
duo, ink, pair, perspective
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TimeChaser AnimeArchAngel
Member Dedication
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