animelover7310 (Fan Art Portfolio) It's...


Can you guess who this is??? Without looking at the tags??? Well, if you guessed Akira, you are correct!!!! XDD Yep, this is Akira, leader of the Myths in my Mythological Club. Hope you like!

Name: Akira
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Species: Half Vampire, Half Werewolf
Hair color: Black with red and purple streaks
Eye color: Purple
Personality: Stubborn; Nice if wants to be; Bored a lot; Can get really annoyed; Can get really pissed if somebody takes away a smoke; Sad at certain points because she thinks of her father; Can get easily confused;
Likes: Smoking (if she gets the chance or if she's worried about something), her friends, running, killing animals with her teeth, blood
Dislikes: Guys (that'll soon change), drinking, killing innocent people,
Crush: None
Family: Deceased
Relationships: None at the moment
Friends: Kasumi, Collette, Dizzy Rage, Karin, Mist, Kateri, Sachi, Lira, Satsuki, Skylar, Goshen
Weapons: Her tail, claws, and teeth
Looks: Has purple eyes; Straight black hair with red and purple streaks; Has her nose, lip, ears, and eyebrows pierced; Has a heart tattoo on her right shoulder; Dog ears that are pierced all the way to the top; Fangs from the vampire gene; Claws from the werewolf gene; Has belts wrapped around her legs and hips, with some of them lop-sided;
Clothes: Gothic; Striped tank top underneath her jacket; Straps; Chains; Spiked dog collar; Boots; Red and black striped socks; Fingerless gloves; Belts;
History: Born from a vampire and werewolf, her mother, the vampire, died at birth and father soon died afterwards from a mysterious attack on the family, only leaving Akira alone. She went to a Mythological orphan house, and went to Mythological school. When she was 15, she left, trying to find out why her father was killed for an unknown reason, but was unsuccessful. She decided to form a club for Mythological creatures, so she could get to know more people, and to see who would help her find out her father's killer.

Comments and hugs appreciated!

Other Anime and Manga Fan Art
akira, creature, mythological, vampire, werewolf
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