Arctic Summer (Fan Art Portfolio) Explore alone

Explore alone
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I made this for the fun of it. Its me as a pikachu in pokemon mystery dungeon. This is actually one of my favorites and I loved how it turned out. Its so pretty. I love the sparkles especially, and the bandana is my favorite color!
I picked the title Explore alone, cause I'm a lone wolf and like to be by my self. Im pretty much alone most of the time. I wander alone too. If you would of been my parents I guess you'd be sick and tired of trying to find me XD hahaha.

I used a special brush from the website I told you about. Its called LIFE BRUSHES. I do not own any brushes. The belong to their rightful users! They where free and I clicked download and they where pretty cool so I just decided to use them!!! D:
Btw the i used a pic of pikachu on a card I have at home and edited it. So I'm just practicing to draw pokemon. I can't draw certain pokemon and I really want to so I use a card collection. Or a pic from a movie found on google if I don't have that pokemon card. No harm....
hmmm... doesn't this look like a scene from a movie?

Pokemon Fan Art
cave, explore, firefly, gear, glow, me, mystery, pikachu, pokemon, time
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14 members Favoritefavorite
SnowStarChan AnimeRockGirl Gero Chan shizuka101 rikufangurl1 otaku le fae animelover7310 Okitaru AnimeGal816 karwa Amestar
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