Fire Fox Sakurie (Fan Art Portfolio) I'm Sorry Everyone...

I'm Sorry Everyone...
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My 100th pic apology to you all:

I'm so sorry I haven't been active at all. TTnTT I love you all so so much and I hope you all forgive me for not updating as much as I use to.

I really hate junior and senior year.. I have to start thinking about what classes I take and how that'd effect my college options and such.

But still, TheO is like a second family to me and I don't want to lose it. I've noticed I'm losing touch with a lot of you guys and it makes me sad that I can't just talk as much as we use to.

Please bare with my absence for just a bit longer. Summer is really the only time when I can get the chance to check TheO everyday. And so far I've only been checking in once every one or two weeks.

I'll try, and I mean I'll REALLY try, to visit at LEAST once every 2 days to comment and reply to messages from now on.

As for artwork, I have a ton of gifts for you guys that are all mostly just WIPs as of now.

Would you guys like me to just post those then? Even if they're not finished, at least you can see that I really do care about you guys.. TTuTT

I'm really really sorry again. I can't tell you how guilty I feel for not staying in touch..

Thanks to those of you who still stick with me and put up with my lack of responses.

I’ll work hard.

I wuv you guys lots



And bunches of thanks to those who actually take the time to read through my long rambles TTuTT

-- アリス

Kingdom Hearts Fan Art
gomen ne, sakurie
98 votes thumb
56 members Favoritefavorite
allycat2090 MissDarkAngel xxBlack Rosexx midnightqueen shishunget Hayake fire.freak Lizinator03 Keiyou XCandyLuverX saki 1234 Kami-chan.x3 bloody madi Miracle Star19 Kerrakku shizuka101 cheriblosomchibi mello159 sasu x saku ms random ixtab20 LunaInverse Kazusa Cagalli22 MissGoldenAngel Heartstop NedzumiNya kairi x sora infinatelove42 Paulini chokolatealkemist Darkness In Light Kawaii Mayu Shi Bum Bumm Hyper Vampp Boi NejixWrathLover animegirly2 animelover7310 Heartkruez Sakura Kokoro FUNimation haseo luver92 samuraigirl122
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