Spooky416 (Fan Art Portfolio) Midnight Black

Midnight Black
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I know I put excesive tags on it... Sorry...

This is Midnight Black, a character for my manga "Tears Of a Colorblind" (Well, actually is not a manga because it's readen Left-to-Right)... Ha ha I just had to put that phrase... I apology ^////////^

Este es Midnight Black (Medianoche Negra), unm personaje de mi manga "Tears of a Colorblind" ("Lagrimas de un Daltonico")... Bueno, en realidad no es un manga, ya que se lee de izquierda a derecha... Y la frase... Bueno, simplemente tenia que ponerla ja ja ja significa "Veo gente muerta... Socialmente"... Disculpen, simplemente tenia que escribirla.

Il est Midnight Black, de mon manga "Tears of a Colorblind" (Larmes de un
Daltonien)... Puits, il ne est pas un manga parce que vous avez lu de gauche a droite... Et la phrase signifie "Je regard mort gens... Socialement"... Desole, J'ai ecrivez elle...

Sorry if my grammar isn'r very good... Specially the french one... I'm not very good at french...

Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
..., 1 hidrogeno, 2 helio, 3 litio, 4 berilio, 416, 5 boro, 6 carbono, 7 nitrogeno, 8 oxigeno, amanita, amanita muscaria, amanita muscaria productions, amanita muscaria requests, anglais, anime, awesome, bishounen, black, black rose, blind, boy, cazador, cazador nocturno, central, chido, ciz, colorblind, comer, cool, cute, dark, death, eat, emo, emo boy, english, epccj, espaã±ol, espagnol, espaniol, estilero, etiquetas excesivas, excesive tags, francais, frances, french, genial, great, high school, hunter, i see dead people, i see dead people... socially, ingles, japanese, japonais, japones, kawaii, lindo, lylie-anna, manga, medianoche, midnight, midnight black, muscaria, negra, negro, niã±o, night, nighthunter, nipon, noche, oscuro, prepa, rock, rock n roll, rock n' roll, rosa, rosa negra, rose, saikou, satoshi, soir, spooky, spooky416, stylish, suki, takeshi, te amo, tears, tears of a colorblind
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