Yamis Pharaohess (Fan Art Portfolio) Secret Passion in the Water "cover"

Secret Passion in the Water "cover"
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Oh sure, Kibou, don’t finish the pics you HAVE to get done, and doddle this crappy... thing. If you couldn’t tell, that’s Yami on the right side. Anzu (Téa) is on the left side. In my mind, the eyes were smaller, and I was going to have little bubbles everywhere. BUT.... that didn’t happen. (obviously!)

It was around midnight and I was sitting on my bedroom floor thinking of a sequence of events for my story. I titled a page in my notebook, and then started writing things down. I was confusing myself with trying to organize the events by days, and since my mind was only half on, it wasn’t really working for me. So I began drawing on the page before. And Ta-Da! You have this lame little doodle. I have a fascination with eyes, if you hadn’t figured that out already.

The story? Anzu lives by the ocean, and she absolutely LOVES the water. She discovers a hidden grotto where she meets Yami, a mermaid! ^_^ They fall in love and stuff, and other things happen, but I can’t get into that, since one.) I haven’t gotten that far in my story and 2.) HELLO! SPOILERS! Duh...
The story is actually based off of a dream I had years ago. I met a really hot merman! (no, not Yami... (aw....)) but I liked that dream! And I figured it’d make a nice AnzuxYami story. ^^ Now if only I could learn how to not drag everything out so much! *fails at writing short stories*

Here’s a link to it anyway http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4183057/1/Secret_Passion_in_the_Water

I might move this to my sketches, for obvious reasons.

Drawing and Story © Kibou (YamisPharaohess)

Yu-Gi-Oh Fan Art
anzu, atem, atemu, fanfic, tea revolution, yami
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