Jay-san80 (Fan Art Portfolio) Can You Un-burn Toast

Can You Un-burn Toast
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Title: Can You Un-burn Toast?

The Story:
A few months have passed since Videl and Gohan started dating. In yet another attempt to marry them off as soon as possible, Chichi invites Videl to spend the night. Chichi also thought it would be a good idea to make breakfast. Boy was she ever wrong! This disaster resulted in runny eggs, soggy waffles, burnt toast, and a kitchen that looks like it was hit by a tornado.

My Take:
This idea was a lot of fun, it came from a commercial (I forgot what they were selling, it had a girl having trouble in the kitchen), anyway for some reason I thought about how most tomboyish characters end up turning the kitchen into a war zone, and this idea came out.

Aside from that disaster in the background, I did manage to get Gohan and Videl in the drawing, but I decided to have Gohan wear a shirt that resemble one of mine, while Videl is sporting a Supergirl apron (I had “Supergirl” written, but I didn’t like how the letters came out, so I scrapped it). I decided to throw Chichi in at the last second, which I think was the best addition to this drawing.

What I Like Most:
Chichi’s appearance in this one is definitely the best thing about this one, her expression here is priceless. I really like the idea of that mess spattered everywhere, and the grape jelly being tracked all over the floor. (Don’t ask me what that green stuff is, I couldn’t tell you myself).

What I Dislike Most:
That background didn’t come out too badly, but I think I could have done better…unfortunately this one started to run a little too long, and I had a few other things to do, which caused the kitchen to suffer. As I’m taking another look at it, I’m not too thrilled with the hallway in the back either.

Final Thoughts:
For those of you that are new to my drawings, I use a different style than you are used to. This style is most noticeable when I do DragonBall characters. With that said, I made some slight adjustments…Gohan’s face is a slightly longer than usual, I like how it looks, and I may keep that look around for a while. Videl’s hair went through some changes as well, for starters it’s covering her left eye, plus that antennae (or whatever they call it) on top, I really like how it looks, and will most likely keep when I draw her hair short. I’ve also drawn it slightly longer than I usually do only to show they’ve been dating a while.

This turned out to be one of my favorite ideas this year (coming in second to the Soup Nazi way back in January). I put a lot of time and effort into this one, as well as a lot of thought.

DragonBall Fan Art
chichi, gohan, videl
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7 members Favoritefavorite
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