ElementalNinja (eCard Portfolio) Dangerous Creativity

Dangerous Creativity


My first entry for JanetChan's challenge; my yujin, my [CHINGU.]

I say first entry because I possibly plan on submitting a few more cards and dedicating them to those that really deserve them. Those that really deserve them are the ones that mean the most and are the closest anyone could ever get to me.

I wanted to dedicate this one to Je'bria. We've been really close friends since our Freshmen year of High School (which was about 4 years ago..wow), and she was one of the first few actual friends I had ever made since my time there. She's one of my nearest and dearest friends and I don't want to ever let her go. She means far too much to me and I love her (in a "big sister" type way. Since I'm older than her. xD)

Her personality is amazing and I can really relate to her and how she views things. She always had the cutest clothes and the best hair ever! Everything about her is just amazing, and I can't express exactly just how much she means to me. She's so precious to me and I want to do everything I can for her, within my means of power.

I'll never forget the time I met her in Algebra I. She just seemed so quiet and shy, just like I sorta was at the time. Even though she didn't talk a lot, she smiled the kindest smile anyone could ever have to me. It was genuine and I could tell it was real. I took it as our greeting at first saying "Hello" to one another. I was kind of shy as well, and my social skills weren't very good either, so I didn't really know what to say. We eventually opened up to one another and started talking as if it was natural, and I believed it to be at the time.
By the time the end of the first semester was over, we had instantly clicked and became very close. We had so much fun our first year there, and in a math class no less. Because of her, everything just seemed to be a lot lighter than what high school really was, even life.

And when we had met up after a year of not having classes together, our Junior year in Intermediate Algebra was the best moment in a class I have ever had. I and our other friends Patrick, April, Marcus, and Daniel were altogether.
(Now if anyone knows me, if you put all of my friends and I together in one room, chaos and disorder will commence....)
We had such a great time in that class, omg. Mr. Armstrong, our teacher had to wait on me a few times because I could never shut up, but I managed to be likeable somehow. xD
And when Mr. Merker would take us out of class for a small study group to discuss homework/classwork and whatnot, things just got crazier from there, in an intelligent way. I guess I was sorta deemed the "likeable, but less annoying class-clown" when we went out to the other classroom. (but idk, that may be just self-proclamation or self-perception. xD)
It was because of her and all my other friends that were there, gave me the confidence to really study as hard as I can and learn as much as possible, while still having fun. She and they all taught me to relax, work hard, and have fun, and not take things too seriously as I naturally do. (Although I can't help it sometimes. ^^;)

When we had met up for the final time in our Senior English class, things could only get even better as they went on. From other friends being in class with us once more, to the activities we did together, to the serious literature discussions we had, and the free time that was shared, everything that happened in that classroom will never exactly stay inside the classroom as long as we have the fondest memories of it..and of course some not so fond, but that's what memories are all about. Another fun thing I remember is giving her amazing nickname "Febreze". xD One of our friends always used to call her "Bre" for short, and for some strange reason I thought of "Febreze", lol. (Yes, the air cleaning product.) Until I really thought about what it could mean and I came up with, "Because she's so fresh as f***." xD And she really is. Literally and figuratively speaking, lol.
It also wasn't until this time that I had introduced her to TheO, and made her get an account here. She got used to things fairly quickly without my guidance to help her and made herself at home here. We've PM'ed each other a lot as a way to keep in touch with one another (and especially if I run low on minutes), and sometimes she even shows up in chat with me and my other close friends. She'll always be welcome there and anywhere here, just like everyone else is as one of us.
It also wasn't until that very year that I found out she writes songs and poems. Let me tell you; this girl can freaking write. She's definitely one of the best writers that I've ever come across in my life, as I journey to better my own skills. So much so that when others read their writings out loud, hers just really stands out from the crowd of everyone, to the point that everyone's sounds so bland and the same as the other people's.
(I'm not saying this just because she's one of my closest friends, I'm saying this from a writers perspective on interest on the different ways of and types of writing, and her writing skill was the one I invested my focus on the most.)
I have to admit, hers was so good, that I felt myself in competition with her sometimes, always striving to see what I could do better with my work or assignments, and improve on it. I admit, the way she had that flair of writing bugged me that I knew I couldn't match up to her, but it was also a complete sign that I totally respected her writing skills and would always be very impressed what she would come up with. Even knowing that what she writes down on paper could be turned into a song as well..that takes true special talent that most people don't have. I soon got away from the thought of trying to secretly compete with her, since everyone has different ways of writing, and there is no right way of going about it, no matter how hard you try and that's the uniqueness of it...just like people are, and people like her that are hard to come by.

When I saw the scan for this, it made me immediately think of her. She's always listening to music anywhere you turn, and I can tell its where she gets her inspiration from the most. No matter what the subject matter is, she's always happy when she writes, even though she may not be completely satisfied with the whole outcome of it. She writes and writes and doesn't stop as if it was second nature to her. I always love reading what she writes and it makes me happy to see she'll always have a nack for it. She's just really artistic and creative with what she writes, you can see a very clear and vivid bright image of what it is.

I really wanted to represent that as best as I could in this card. I wanted to try something different than all of my other cards I've made. I really tried my best on this, even though it didn't quite come out as good as I wanted it to, but this is especially for her because I thought it perfectly represented her and who she is.

I really hope you like it Je'bria! I love you!

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Member Dedication
my yujin, my [CHINGU.]

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